Data Analysis


Nowadays, an increasing amount of information is available in digital form and at the same time the related challenges have increased as well. Handling huge amounts of often unstructured data and their utilization has already become a discipline on its own. It is called Data Science that includes data collection, data management and modelling.

Data Science provides us answers to questions such as: What kind of data should I collect in the future with which method? How can I use my existing data? What methodology should I use to obtain the most value from them? What is meant on data asset and how is it evaluated?

Let’s take a less abstract approach, and the same questions would look like this:

How can we create a risk analysis model from the transaction data of an ordinary bank account service which will improve the competitiveness of our bank?


What kind of help can we expect from the data on today’s prescriptions for the development of future medicines?

The projects, presented on the following pages according to industries, will answer the above questions: