Intelligent design - Packaging Operational Simulation Software (CSÜSZ)

The efficiency of the order proposed by a packaging plan is determined by the length of its lead time, that is, in our case, by its shortness. Using a good plan can significantly increase productivity while reducing our operating costs. Intelligent design by CSÜSZ has a direct advantage over many long-term indirect benefits.


The solution:

  • "CSÜSZ" is a web-based design tool that helps you determine what is the ideal production order for the next few months and immediately calculates the expected lead times based on SAP's growing demand.
  • A complex solution that can handle the approval and acceptance procedure of the plan will help iterate between the partner classes.
  • A unique IT option is to fine-tune the raw order through fine-tuning, manual sorting, variations, and KPI indicators to check the goodness of the plan.

The result:

  • In a large pharmaceutical customer's packaging plant, the three-monthly rolling design takes place entirely within the framework of the CSÜSZ system from the creation of the first design versions to the follow-up to plan performance.
  • Completely excellence in Excel-based manufacturing planning, significant time savings through built-in scheduler and fast turnaround time calculation.
  • Not only technical experts, but almost everyone can independently plan a design, sort products, judge the goodness of the finished plan, compare it with other plans.


  • Simple sort of "drag and drop" items
  • Plan Lead Time Calculator and KPI Indicators
  • Acceptance and approval process
  • Detailed user audit
  • Artwork based design
  • Plan-plan comparison, comments, tracking



Basic data and data connections

The system can handle the production needs that are based on rolling plans, after additional development, from any of the known ERP systems, such as, for example, Also from SAP. If production requests are made on Excel basis, it is possible to manually load the CSV file containing the finished cultivation claim.